five ways to invest in yourself.

Hello peeps, welcome back!

How is your new year coming along? It has been a week since we welcomed the new year. I bet you have set new resolutions this year. Whether it may be your personal financial, health and fitness, family and relationship, or upskilling your talents and capabilities, it is all commendable. I wish each one of you good luck and every success in acheiving your resolutions.

“The most important investment you can make is in yourself”

- Warren Buffet

As quote from Warren Buffet above, every day is a new opportunity to make yourself better and to invest in your overall wellbeing. Take the time today to try some of the suggestions from this list;

  1. Save Money and “Pay Yourself First”

    No one will prioritize “future you” like “current you”. Take some time to really give your budget a long hard look and find a way to pay yourself first (aka: put money towards your savings, investments, and retirement before you pay for any fun splurges or unnecessary spending).

  2. Commit to waking up one hour earlier.

    Does the snooze button seem to haunt you and wake you into a tizzy each morning? Consider committing to waking up just one hour earlier every day this week. Yes, we know, this may feel drastic initially, but you will be AMAZED at how much more productive and energetic you can feel by taking those 60 minutes to invest in yourself. A quick Tahajjud - just simple and quick prayers. Prepare and eat a healthy breakfast. Read some news or an article. It should be sufficient within this 60 minutes.

  3. Learn something new every day.

    These days, there are infinite ways to learn about a new subject or brush up on a past skill. Take some time this month to listen to a new podcast, read a new book, or take an online course.

  4. Focus on your relationships.

    It is so easy to get lost in the daily shuffle and put friendships and old relationships on the back burner. Nurture the ones needing attention and release those not serving you.

  5. Surround yourself with positive influences.

    You know those people who make you feel at home and accepted in their presence? Make more room for those individuals and take time for those who help you grow and become the best version of yourself. I always say these to people surround me; always mingle around with positive people because they attract rezeki, health and happiness. While as much as we can, avoid negative people because they suck in our energy and giving negative vibes in our life.

    So, how do you prioritize investing in yourself? I would love to know!

    Emir S.


how to work effectively when you’re overwhelmed.


chapter one.