

Hello peeps.

I know talking to an old friend after a long time feels overwhelming, and a lot of people want to reconnect but this isn’t happening. The reality is that people find it a bit awkward to get back in touch with their friend if they haven’t spoken for a while. This what happened to me for these past years. As those whom know me well, I’m very approachable and friendly person. When I re-connect back with most of my friends, they either ask me is there something I want or need - since most of them knows currently I’m doing personal financial advisor - their social media news feed been flooding with me sharing all the personal financial planning concepts and knowledges.

Previously before I became personal financial advisor, I’ve been based in Scotland and Terengganu for works. Most of my schoolmates and university mates are from Kuala Lumpur. Hence, it is hardly for me to catch up with them or attend any social events due to location. Every single weekends they managed to gather around and I honestly envy them because I long for this connection.

Although you have a temptation to talk to your friend, you might worry about how to start a conversation. To help you out, here are some conversation starters to help you reconnect. This is the tips that I use it.

Start with something simple
Let’s make it simple and direct. After all, you were good friends once - and you can be again. You can follow any of the following expressions to strike up the conversation.

Hey, how’ve you been?

I haven’t seen you in ages!

I haven’t seen/talked to you for so long!

How long has it been since I last saw/talked to you?

Expand the topic
Ask about their current situation. Try “What have you been up to?” This question is a natural way to continue the conversation and ease you into a longer discussion.

Bring back good old memories
Bring up old memories while talking - it will give you both something to speak about where you can share common ground and interests.

Dig Deeper
Dig deeper and express genuine interest by asking follow-up questions to their responses. Use words like “how,” “when,” and “why” in your question.

End conversation with a plan
When you end the conversation, make sure you have made a plan for the next meet-up. You can consider following phrases to wind up the call or chat.

We should catch up soon. When are you free next?

We should get together. What do you think?

We should get coffee soon. What is your schedule?

I hope these tips were helpful! Now it's your turn to start a conversation with a friend you haven't spoken to in a while.

Talk to you soon. Sorry for long hiatus.
Spread love and positivity,
Love, EMIR xx


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