new year! be happy.

Happy new year guys!!!

Okay, so I figured I’d better write this post before I get off the plane and continue my solo trip around Europe. At this time of writing, I am waiting for my plane to depart from Palermo to London. Another halfway of travelling. I’ll share more with you guys on my IG and this blog space.

I don’t even know what I planned to say in this post. I wanted to say a HUGE thank you for an amazing year! That’s a given… but that being said, I’ll say it anyway! THANK YOU SO MUCH! Your support, comments and kind words mean so much, and I can’t tell you how grateful I am.

Here’s the thing about blogging – so much of it is done on your own, in quiet rooms, lonesome and far away from the people you’re talking to, so reading every single comment on every platform brings the whole experience full circle.

A conversation isn’t just you talking to yourself – it goes both ways and so I appreciate everything so much more than most people would think or imagine. It’s so validating to hear other people’s thoughts and know you’re not alone in this crazy obsession with writing, cooking, travelling and self-improvement ideas! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!

Oh, one more thing I would do quickly before I signed off and got ready to continue my journey was to drop a few things I’ve learned this year. Granted, some of this might be obvious (I feel even the obvious stuff needs to be re-learnt from time to time), but I know learning some of this has helped me throughout the year, so who knows, it just might help you or someone else you know. Anyway, enough caveating from my end – here goes.


Loneliness is not a bad thing. People sometimes think it’s important always to be busy, socialize and have plans to see the world, but there’s something to be said about downtime. In it’s moments like this, brilliant ideas are born, necessary admin in your life is handled and you sometimes are able to take a step back and fully direct your energy where it matters. Embrace downtime more.


Opinions can’t define you. Just because someone somewhere says the sky is green doesn’t make it green – the same way someone saying you’re not good enough doesn’t make it through.


Persevere. When you’re working hard on something you believe in, persevere. When people tell you your ideas are crappy, but you know that there’s something special in them, persevere. Push through all the bullsh*t that gets thrown at you. I say this because last year alone, I’ve seen far too many people, after years of “No”s rejections and choosing to persevere, finally achieve the goals that people never thought possible for them. The difference between success and failure is perseverance.


Carrying on in the same theme –  A “No” isn’t always the end of the story. It’s not always this disappointing “finish line”. Sometimes, a “No” is just a brick wall – what you need to do to scale that wall is build a ladder. Have the patience and self-belief to build that ladder and scale that brick wall.


Learn to put yourself in other people’s shoes. Like literally think – “What is going through their heads right now, and how would I react if that was me?”. It’s one of the most basic things to do, and yet it is something most of us don’t do instinctively (our instinct is always to look after ourselves). Taking in a different perspective doesn’t have to change yours; it will, however, make you a much more well-rounded individual and approach problems in ways most people wouldn’t

Okay, I could go on and on about this stuff, but I’m just gonna stop here! Thank you once again for all your help and support this year! Happy New Year to you, your friends and family! Here’s to 2024!!!


Love from Palemo,

Emir XX


why I travel solo?


nine things i wish i knew when i was living in the uk.